Villains !

A few quick villain sketches, plus a brainstorm as to who they are for further development....apologies for the writing skills, if you can read it I'll be impressed!

KHUMBA release!

Hi all, the release of 'Khumba' is happening soon! 11th October in SA. Khumba is produced by Triggerfish Animation a rising South African studio. Had alot of fun working on it. 'Zambezia' was Triggerfish's first animated feature and I believe 'Khumba' is at a whole other level. So please where ever you are in the world head over to your local cinema and support the African animation industry! :)

 For release dates in other countries please check the following link on imdb:

For a full synopsis on Khumba go here:

Take a look at Triggerfish Animation's website to see what else they are up to:

Something from the Archives!

Something I found in the archives! I had a lot of fun drawing these little guys. If I remember correctly they were drawn in pen and then color was added in photoshop. Contrasts went a little crazy ....but think the effect turned out ok. There will be another 365 mash-up soon. I am really having fun with the challenge.

Have you heard of 'The Creative Blog'? It's a nice little mix of news and resources.  Check it out here: 

A South African feature animation I worked on is being released in a month. Will post more info on that really soon. Cheers! :)

Scottish Brutes

I visited Scotland not long ago (see picz below). Had an amazing time discovering the culture and I completely fell in love with Edinburgh. My Scottish experience can be summed up as bagpipes, tartans, whisky, castles and green rolling hills. Would love to go back as 2 weeks just wasn't enough!

At first these two were going to be designed around the Highland Games (If you don't know about the Highland games look them up, they're really unique), the designs would have been much much simpler. Decided in the end to go for the more medieval army look as there was more to play with. 

Cigars and Wine

So another character inspired by the movie 'Hugo!'  

Just arrived in Zimbabwe, after Norway the sun here is blissss...... 

Found out a few interesting things recently in regards to a possible animation industry here. So there is now an organisation called JAAG : Joint African Animation Group. There is now an event here called ZIMFAIA: Zimbabwe Festival of African Inspired Animation. I even saw something online of a new animated feature in the works. Read the article here.
Not sure why they are calling it the 'first' however as 'Legend of the Sky Kingdom' was released in 2003. In any case, I'll certainly be interested to see how things pan out with regards to Animation Industry in Zimbabwe. Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments!

The Baker

Watched the movie 'Hugo' the other day which really inspired me to play around with some Character Designs. There is just something about Paris in the 1930's. Such a fun era to draw from.

Does anyone know of other beautiful period piece movies? If so I'd love some recommendations :)

365 Mashup - 03

Lots of pencil sketch work this last month. Mostly because I've been traveling alot and it's the most convenient medium if your constantly on the move.... But its made me really fall in love with graphite again :) Side note...drawing more women. I'm really slow at drawing women so need more practice. Cheers!

365 Mashup - 02

Another Mashup from the 365 Challenge I'm doing. :) Went into exploring children more and starting to get back into using graphite. (Three Six Five Challenge - doing a drawing, illustration a day for the next 365 days!)

365 Mashup

I am currently participating in an interesting challenge with some friends. Creating a piece of art a day for the next three hundred and sixty five days. It can be a whatever really, sketchbook page, illustration! The first 30 days has passed and I thought it time for my first 'mashup' of what I've been up to. What I love about this so far is the amount of experimenting Im doing. Anyways this on top of other work and travels is gonna be fun....let's see how the next 11 months go  :)

Norwegians and their sweaters

Since i am currently in Norway I thought my first post should have a Norwegian flavor! There's certainly lots to experience here from the immensity of the fjords to the weird caramel-flavored brown cheese (brunost - tip: the only way to eat it, is to forget it's actually cheese).

The classical Norwegian woolen sweaters stand out to me in particular. I found out recently the patterns and symbols on them are all taken from Norway's history and culture. Ha det! :